Unit 3 Greece And Romemr Volkmar's Course Pages


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Unit 3 Greece And Romemr Volkmar's Course Pages Page

Unit 3 greece and romemr volkmar
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7 Ancient Rome


Classical civilizations employed a variety of methods toexpand and maintain control over vast territories. They developed lastingcultural achievements. Both internal and external forces led to the eventualdecline of these empires. (Standards: 2,3, 5; Themes: MOV, TCC, GEO, GOV, CIV)

9.3a - Geographic factors encouraged and hindered astate’s/empire’s expansion and interactions.

  • Students will examine the location and relative size of classical political entities (Greece, Rome) noting the location and size of each in relation to the amount of power held within a region.
  • Students will investigate how geographic factors encouraged or hindered expansion and interactions within the Greek, and Roman, civilizations.

9.3b - Empires used belief systems, systems of law, forms ofgovernment, military forces, and social hierarchiesto consolidate and expand power.

  • Students will compare and contrast how the Greek and Roman civilizations consolidated and increased power.

9.3c - A period of peace, prosperity, and culturalachievements can be designated as a Golden Age.

  • Students will examine the achievements of Greece, and Rome to determine how the civilizations experienced a Golden Age.

9.3d - Political, socioeconomic, and environmental issues,external conflicts, and nomadic invasions led to thedecline and fall of Classical empires.

  • Students will compare and contrast the forces that led to the fall of the Roman Empire.
Ancient Rome (From Republic to Empire)

The Hellenistic Age came to an end as the Romans conquered much of the Mediterranean. But the influence of the Greeks lived on in Roman culture. Rome’s location and its policies contributed to the expansion of Roman power.



Contributions of the Ancient Romans—law (Twelve Tables), architecture, literature,roads, bridges


7. Which quotation from the teachings of Confucius is most similar to the Golden Rule from Judeo- Christian teaching? (q 7 Ju 03)

1)“If a ruler is upright, all will go well without orders.”

2)“By nature, men are pretty much alike. It is learning and practice that set them apart.”

3)“While a father or mother is alive, a son should not travel far.”

4)“Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.”

Subpages (10):Ancient Rome Unit PlanRome Day 1 GeographyRome Day 2 Structure of the RepublicRome Day 3 Punic WarsRome Day 4 Republic to EmpireRome Day 5 Roman SocietyRome Day 6 ChristianityRome Day 7 Fall of RomeRome Day 8 ReviewRome Test Concepts
Unit Information‎ > ‎

Unit 13: Ancient Rome

Welcome to Unit 13 Ancient Rome!In this unit, students will learn about the rise and fall of Ancient Rome and the beginning of the Roman Empire. We will analyze the causes that contributed to a successful Roman Republic and how it compares to our culture today. Further, students will evaluate the impact of leaders on a society.
Unit 13 Vocabulary Part 1 Foldable: Roman Republic: Click Here
Unit 13 Vocabulary Part 1 Presentation: Roman Republic: Click Here

Ancient Rome Visual Vocab 2015-16

Unit 13 Vocabulary Sorting Part 1

Spartacus Rome Flocabulary: Click Here

Ancient Rome Flocabulary 15-16

Map Skills Activity: Click Here
Discovery Education Geography Research: Click Here
Geography Video Follow Along: Click Here

Ancient Rome Timeline 15-16

Roman Republic Video Follow Along 15-16

Unit 13 Vocabulary Part 2 Foldable: Roman Empire: Click Here!
Unit 13 Vocabulary Part 2 Presentation: Roman Empire: Click Here

Ancient Rome Vis. Voc. Pt. 2 15-16

UNIT 4 STUDY GUIDE: Greece & Rome LESSON 1: The Importance of Geography (notes, handouts) Terms to Learn: Aegean Sea Mediterranean Sea Alps Apennine Mountains Tiber, Po & Arno rivers North, Latium & Campania plains Study Questions: 1. Be able to locate the Greek and Italian peninsulas and their major geographic features on a map. 3 major wars between Carthage and Rome over power and territory/land-Carthaginian general who was a brilliant military strategist-A city with its own laws, rulers and money; like a mini country-Belief in many gods-Conflict between groups within the same country-A military leader of Rome-A group of 3 leaders-'Exhaulted one' or emperor-'Roman Peace'.

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Unit 3 Greece And Romemr Volkmar's Course Pages

Unit 3 Greece And Romemr Volkmar

Unit 3 Greece And Romemr Volkmar's Course Pages Blanches

Ancient Greece - Geography. Ancient Greece - Gods, Myths. Ancient Greece - City-States. Ancient Greece - Daily Life. Ancient Greece - Famous People. Ancient Greece - Homer's Odyssey. Ancient Greece - Inventions. Ancient Greece - Jeopardy, Quizzes. Ancient Greece - Minoans, Mycenaeans, Dorians. Ancient Greece - Olympics. Ancient Greece - Theatre.