- Mathcounts Practice Problems
- Mathcounts Sample Problems
- Mathcounts Example Problems
- Mathcounts Problem Solving Strategies
50 Mathcounts Lectures
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Mathcounts Practice Problems
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A New MATHCOUNTS Mini Every Month! Art of Problem Solving 's Richard Rusczyk has been making MATHCOUNTS Minis since September 2009. Each MATHCOUNTS Mini video provides detailed explanations for at least one MATHCOUNTS problem and its associated concepts. Each Mini also features an activity sheet to complement the discussed concepts. A New MATHCOUNTS Mini Every Month! Art of Problem Solving 's Richard Rusczyk has been making MATHCOUNTS Minis since September 2009. Each MATHCOUNTS Mini video provides detailed explanations for at least one MATHCOUNTS problem and its associated concepts. Each Mini also features an activity sheet to complement the discussed concepts.
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Individual pdf file of a volume: $24.99
Entire pdf file collection of all 3 volumes: $60.99

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Volume 2 (PDF) $24.99
All 3 Volumes (PDF) $60.99
Order solutions to lectures here
Chapter 1. Logic (click to read chapter)1
Chapter 2. Addition and Subtraction15
Chapter 3. Multiplication and Division30
Chapter 4. Parity47
Chapter 5. Operations and Fractions62
Chapter 6. Operations with Decimals81
Chapter 7. Operations with Percents96
Chapter 8. Pigeonhole Principle 112
Chapter 9. Converting Fractions, Decimals, and Percents 125
Chapter 10. Ratios and Proportions (click to read chapter) 140Chapter 11. Perimeter and Area 152
Chapter 12. Counting Principles 177
Chapter 13. Exponents195
Chapter 14. Radicals205
Chapter 15. Place Value and Scientific Notation 222
Chapter 16. Absolute Values 234
Chapter 17. Order of Operations 247
Chapter 18. Simplifying Algebraic Expressions 256
Index 271
Chapter 19. Evaluating Algebraic Expressions 1
Chapter 20. Divisibility14
Chapter 21. Solving Equations32
Chapter 22. Solving Inequalities 46
Chapter 23. Venn diagrams 63
Chapter 24. Combinatorics (click to read chapter) 83Chapter 25. Angles and triangles 104
Chapter 26. Classification of triangles 115
Chapter 27. Similar triangles 130
Chapter 28. Pythagorean Theorem 137
Mathcounts Sample Problems
Chapter 29. Quadrilaterals163
Chapter 30. Trapezoids177
Chapter 31. Parallelograms191
Mathcounts Example Problems
Chapter 32. Angle bisectors and medians 205
Chapter 33. Triangular inequality218
Chapter 34. Area Method 227
Chapter 35. Polygons241
Chapter 36. Circles262
Chapter 37. Factors1
Chapter 38. Prime Numbers 21
Chapter 39. Least Common Multiples And Greatest Common Factors39
Chapter 40. Methods Of Factoring 57
Chapter 41. Venn Diagram 2 74
Chapter 42. Congruence86
Chapter 43. Last Digits108
Chapter 44. Remainder 119
Chapter 45. Coordinate System 134
Chapter 46. Lines And Equations 149
Chapter 47. Systems Of Equations 174
Chapter 48. Mean, Median, Mode, And Range 198
Chapter 49. Volume 220
Chapter 50. Probability 247
Index 279
We would like to thank the following math contests:
The Mathcounts Competitions: the nation's premier middle school math enrichment, coaching, and competition program.
The AMC 8: a 25 question, 40 minute multiple choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem solving skills.

The AIME (American Invitational Mathematics Examination): an intermediate examination between the AMC 10 or AMC 12 and the USAMO.
The China Middle School Math Competition

We would also like to thank the hundreds of families who participated in the 50 Mathcounts Lectures 2011 Summer Program. Without their support and trust, this program would not be possible. Thanks goes to these parents and students who reviewed the draft of the lectures, made corrections to errors, and provided excellent insights to solutions.
Mathcounts is for all, so should Free Mathcounts Training.
Mathcounts Problem Solving Strategies
What Is This Project About?
George Pólya said eloquently, 'Mathmatics is not a spectator sport.' Mathcounts is a wonderful team-competition-in-math program enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of middle-school students each year in the U.S. But those only represent a tiny fraction of their more than 10 million peers in the nation. What prevents the vast majority of America's future from becoming a part of the Mathcounts program?
Is it quality math materials? Just think about Khan Academy and Art of Problem Solving, which have put a huge number of excellent math materials onto the Internet (particularly, YouTube), for free.
Is it enabling technologies? Not anymore, with the recent arrivals of Zoom, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet, which are, to a certain degree, free.
Is it free yet high-quality teaching? We believe so!
Young mathletes are not ready to learn and study math by watching YouTube clips alone. They need real-time teachers, and the teaching needs to be of high quality. But unlike the first two categories above, real-time teaching of competition math has not been free in America—until now.
We are a group of math lovers and enthusiastic competition-math coaches. We believe that, in the same spirit as Khan Academy and Art of Problem Solving, Mathcounts training—in real time—should be free and accessible to all middle-school students in the U.S. At this unprecedented time of COVID-19, we are integrating the best free math materials and technologies to help young math students across America train for Mathcounts for free.