Logic Pro X has been updated to version 10.3! Updated UI, Touch Bar support, Selection Based Processing, Stereo Panning, 64-bit Summing Engine... a big one once again.
- Will Logic Pro X 10.3 run on OS X 10.10.5? More Less MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), 2.6 GHz I7 Mid 2012.
- This document describes the security content of Logic Pro X 10.3.1. About Apple security updates For our customers' protection, Apple doesn't disclose, discuss, or confirm security issues until an investigation has occurred and patches or releases are available.
Download file - Logic Pro X 10.3.3 Full Version Free.zip.
Logic Pro X 10.3
Logic Pro X 10.3 includes quite a few enhancements and fixes. A few highlights:
Logic X 10.3
Updated interface, better legibility, expanded color palette.
Support for the Touch Bar on MacBook Pro.
Track Alternatives let you create and switch between different playlists of regions and edits on a track.
Selection Based Processing: render any combination of effect plug-ins to a selection of audio.
True stereo panning provides more control and discrete manipulation of stereo signals.
Logic Pro X now offers a 64-bit summing engine.
A list of up to five of the most recently used plug-ins now appears at the top of the plug-in menu.
Use 192 additional buses.

Full Release Notes
See the official Logic Pro X Release Notes.

Logic Pro X 10.3 Download
Don't forget, make sure to back up the currently installed version of Logic Pro X and projects.
Continue reading to see what Eli Krantzberg thinks of this update...
Logic Pro X 10.3 is Here!

What a fantastic way to kick off the new year! Logic Pro X 10.3 is a great update.
It’s a “musical” update, focusing on creative enhancements, with new features designed to stimulate and encourage experimentation. It’s hard to know where to begin in singing its praises. The first and most noticeable enhancement is the ability to (finally) lighten the background in the Tracks Area. That’s the good news. The bad news is that it seems to be grey scale only. But it’s certainly a step in the right direction. Same thing for the colour picker. The good news is an extra row of colours, but unfortunately, not with a huge gradation in the colour spectrum yet.
Track Alternatives
My favourite new feature is the new Track Alternatives function.
Conceptually, this is a huge step forward in the direction of creative freedom. Many other DAWs refer to this type of feature as a playlist. It allows us to have different configurations of region information on a track. So we can freely experiment with alternate edits, while being able to safely step back. We can create as many as we need, allowing us to step backward at as many critical edit points as we want. Of course we can also use it to experiment with alternate arrangement ideas. And even with alternate (region) automation values. Flattening comp folders no longer needs to be a major decision; simply copy the comp folder to a track alternative first so you can easily go back! These are just a few ideas as to it’s usefulness.
Selection Based Processing
Another fantastic feature users have been begging for (ever since the demise of Audio Suite and Premiere format offline effects processing last century), is Selection Based Processing (SBP).
Either audio regions or marquee selections of audio regions can now be processed off line directly in the Tracks Area. Selection Based Processing is implemented really elegantly, with lots of options as to how the new material will be created and placed on the track. And it is set up to easily audition between two completely separate plug-in chains. And best of all is the loudness compensation feature, ensuring as close a blend as possible with the preceding material.
Stereo Pan
Logic Pro X 10.3
Finally we now have individual panning of left and right signals directly from the Channel Strip Pan/Balance button. This new feature allows us to set dual pan locations, and then tilt the entire spread left or right. Pan spread and pan position are both available for automation as well. A really neat feature is the ability to swap left/right signals. So you can, for example, pan and spread a dry signal one way, send it to an Aux, and then pan/spread the effects return there differently.
Mixer Enhancements
The audio engine has been tweaked in a lot of very welcome ways.
There is a new high precision summing engine, great for maintaining imaging and phase coherence in large mixes. We now have up to 256 busses available. And… wait for it… we can now finally side chain Software Instruments directly from the Side chain menus without having to first route through a bus. The top of your plug-in list is now populated with your most recently used plug-ins. Nice touch! And the new dual mono mode allows for setting left and right sides separately in Logic Pro’s effect plug-ins.
And these are just the tip of the iceberg!

MIDI Plug-in Target Parameters
The MIDI plug-ins Modifier, Modulator and Scripter now allow to control automatable plug-in parameters of any plug-in below it in the same channel strip. I think this just might be the most creatively stimulating and under rated feature of this upgrade. What this means is, we now have easy LFO or envelope based automation of any parameter readily accessible. I only wish this were implemented on audio tracks as well as software instrument tracks.
Maybe in the next update!

And More
And there’s lots more. Fades have been improved, as has exporting. There are nice tweaks to the Events List and Transform Window. Ghost waveforms are now visible when dragging region boundaries left or right so you can see the data there. This is a fantastic feature which takes the guesswork out of region boundary editing. There are some nice new key commands, as well as support for the MacBook Pro’s new Touch Bar. And all of this is just scratching the surface!
Groove 3 - Logic Pro X 10.3 Explained
To learn more about all the new enhancements and see them in action, check out my new videos at groove3 here: