We offer a single doctoral degree which may be earned in one of the following programs: clinical, cognitive, quantitative, or social psychology. Students admitted to one of these 4 programs enter with the expectation of continuing graduate study through the Ph.D. as the department does not admit terminal master's students.
The 60 credit hour Master's degree in Counseling Psychology at KU meets academic requirements for the LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) in Kansas. Learn more online. Counseling Psychology Program Curriculum As a student in the program, you will establish your specific course and program requirements at the new student orientation during. A minor in quantitative psychology is offered for graduate students in any of the department’s major programs and for select programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (e.g., sociology). The quantitative minor is an addition to the regular program and does not replace any existing or future requirements of the student’s major program.
Clinical Psychology Program
The Clinical Psychology program has a Major area of Study in Health Psychology but admission to that program is quite limited and this certificate program could serve a wide range of graduate students at the University of Kansas as well as graduate non-degree seeking students. Director of the KU Psychological Clinic, Assistant Director of Clinical Psychology Program, Curriculum and Practicum Coordinator Health Psychology. Kirk is a clinical faculty member and administrator. She directs all practicum activity, supervises, and facilitates clinical.
A separate clinical child psychology training program has been developed for doctoral students in an interdepartmental program with the Department of Applied Behavioral Science. If interested in this program, please contact the Clinical Child Psychology program.

Psychology is the scientific study of how and why people think, feel, and behave as they do. Our scientific approach to understanding human behavior equips our students with a solid foundation of analytical, research and clinical skills for careers in many fields with a human service emphasis. Majors include: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.) in Psychology and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Cognitive and Brain Sciences. We also offer minors in Psychology and Social and Behavioral Sciences Methodology. Our students have a wide variety of psychology courses from which to choose, but additional experiences and opportunities are available beyond the classroom. We have many opportunities for scholarship awards and extracurricular enrichment, including the Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology, a research-focused Honors Program, and research assistantships and volunteer opportunities in Faculty labs.
Clinical Psychology Masters Programs
Clinical Psychological Science at the University of Kansas: A US News & World Report Top 30 Program
The Clinical Psychology Graduate Training Program at the University of Kansas was established in the mid 1940s, and was represented at the original Boulder Conference. The program has been continuously accredited since 1949, and was among the first wave of clinical programs to be accredited by the APA. The Program is a member of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science and the Council of Clinical Health Psychology Training Programs.

Program Philosophy
Although rooted in the Boulder Model, the program emphasizes a Clinical Science approach to graduate training. We believe that competent clinical practitioners must understand, appreciate, and apply the science associated with effective clinical interventions, and that competent clinical researchers must have first-hand experience with clinical disorders that is both broad and in-depth. Moreover, we believe that the integration of science and practice is essential for effectively trained clinical psychologists. Accordingly, we aim to produce professionals who demonstrate mastery of knowledge in the field of scientific psychology and who will have (1) the ability to generate new scientific knowledge and theory related to the field of psychology, and (2) can make independent contributions to the evolving base of skills and scientific knowledge required for clinical practice. Moreover, our objective is to train graduates who approach all their work from a strong ethical foundation.
- Doctoral Student Handbook 2020-2021 (PDF)
The Clinical Science Program meets the educational requirements for licensure in the state of Kansas. If you plan to obtain a license or certification in a state other than Kansas or a US territory after completion of your program, it is highly recommended you first seek guidance from the appropriate licensing agency BEFORE beginning the academic program to ensure you can obtain a license or certification in your home state or territory. The website https://nc-sara.org/professional-licensure-directory provides resources for licensure and certification boards outside of Kansas.
For additional information or questions on the accreditation of the KU Clinical Psychology Program, contact:
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation, American Psychological Association,
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242.
Web: http://www.apa.org/ed/accreditation/
Phone: 202-336-5979
E-Mail: apaaccred@apa.org