Battle Gear 2 Genre:War Strategy Flash Games Developer: BeluGerin Game Overview: Battle Gear 2 is an in-depth war game with elements of action, defense and strategy. Defend your base and attempt to destroy the enemy by recruiting troops, artillery, gun towers, and more. Destroy the enemy base to win the level. Battle Gear Portal War is a game where you pull out the troops through the portal and platform. Here you will set the strategy to put the troops in the right place in order to destroy the enemy base, check the position of the portal so that you don't get stuck into the blackhole. Games, flash, flash games, swf, armor games, armorgames All of the SWF-format Flash games I was able to archive from using WinHTTrack on more-or-less default settings and a computer generated list of URLs. Battle Gear 2 Genre:War Strategy Flash Games Developer: BeluGerin Game Overview: Battle Gear 2 is an in-depth war game with elements of action, defense and strategy. Defend your base and attempt to destroy the enemy by recruiting troops, artillery, gun towers, and more. Destroy the enemy base to win the level.
Battle Gear 2 – Flash Games Download – Overview If you played and enjoyed the original Battle Gear strategy flash game, you might wanna check out the sequel – Battle Gear 2 bow with new features and enhanced game play. Continue to recruit units and send them into the battlefield. Ready for global domination and take over the world? |

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[ Google Drive ]
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Click the download icon at the top right corner to start the download.
Please contact Deimos if one of the links is broken or there is an updated version.
Battle Gear 2 – Title Menu
Menu functions remain the same though campaign has been renamed to world domination.
Battle Gear 2 – Help!
Controls are still the same. Point and click. Keys are shortcuts for those who need them.
Battle Gear 2 – Domination!
Choose an alliance and get ready for war! Ready to dominate the world in Battle Gear 2?

Battle Gear 2 – Map!
Depending on what alliance you choose, you will start off in different places. Now go out there and conquer the rest of the world! Take no prisoners!
Battle Gear 2 Hacked
Battle Gear 2 – Action!
As usual, overwhelm the enemy forces with tons of units and victory is eminent!
Deimos’s Thoughts
Nice graphics, looks the same from the original Battle Gear though. World domination mode kinda makes the game more open ended, not limited to a set of fixed missions.
Download War Games Battle Gear 2 Free Backup Type To Play
Deimos Asks
Played the original Battle Gear? Enjoyed it? Yes? No? Why?
Unpack the .zip file and run the .html file with a web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc) to play the above mentioned flash game.
Flash Game Authorship Disclaimer
Please take note that I did not make the above mentioned flash game. The above mentioned flash game is made by other people and not me. I only downloaded the .swf file off some flash games portals and then repackaged the .swf file together with a .html file into a .zip file. In other words I only did some repackaging of the .swf files.
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