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World Record of Most Clicks in 10 Seconds is 12.1 CPS. Take the challenge now!

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Here you can play a ton of fun unblocked games! Great for school, and can never be blocked. I believe that love is love and that the world needs more of that than anything else. I also believe (know) that we are all made up of particles that have been a part of everything under the sun, so all of us have particles that were once anything you can imagine. Oneness is the reality; everything else is an illusion. Try to click on the center of the targets. Be quick, but be accurate! Click Speed is a fun way to test your mouse accuracy. Click on the targets as quickly as you can.

Using the click speed test provided above, you can find out how many mouse-clicks you can do in 10 seconds. In other words, the tool will count the number of times you click in 10 seconds.

The period of 10 second generally seems shorter in day to day life but when you will take the Click Test in 10 second mode, these ten seconds will seem much longer.

To check your number of Clicks in 10 seconds, just hit the ‘Click Here’ button and start hitting the mouse button rapidly. The timer will begin as soon as you click for the first time.

After the end of 10 seconds, the click speed tester will show your 10 second clicks and the average CPS for the time interval.

Improving Your Click Speed in 10 seconds

Want to become the fastest clicker in 10 seconds? Let me give you some secret tips to improve your CPS dramatically.

The very first thing is about learning new techniques that have helped a lot of Minecraft PvPers. One such technique is the Butterfly clicking. I was able to more than double my CPS using the butterfly clicking method.

Another small tip before you start testing your clicks in 10 seconds is that – Start Faster! Yes, when the interval is 10 seconds, make sure you make as many clicks as possible in the first half and then just do not let the speed drop in the second half. That’s the mantra!

If you've ever felt someone else's pain or sensed the shift in energy in a room without knowing what caused it, you might just be an Empath. See how many of the following Empath traits you resonate with...

Are you an Empath? Take the Empath Test to find out:

For each statement, give yourself a '0' for never, a '2' for sometimes, and a '3' for always.

1. You sense others' pain and sadness.

2. You pick up quickly if someone means one thing, but says another.

3. You feel drained if you are around certain people.

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4. You get strong first impressions of people—both negative and positive—that end up being spot on.

5. You see something sad—for instance, an animal being hit by a car—and it takes you much longer than others to stop feeling sad or sick about it.

6. Others don't understand how deeply you feel and why you can't just 'let it go.'

7. You always feel like you view life from a different perspective than everyone around you. It seems like no one is 'like you.'

8. You've experienced the sensation that you are feeling the pain of the whole world.

9. There are times when you feel so overwhelmed with the pain of the world that you want to crawl under the blankets and not interact with anyone for a few days.

10. You can't watch or read the news or watch sad or violent movies because it's too upsetting or makes you sick.

11. You repeatedly feel the same emotions or sensations around the same people. (For instance, every time you see a particular friend, you feel anxious or sad for no particular reason.)

12. You feel sick or in pain when you are around certain people for no physical reason, or you seem to take on other's symptoms, feeling as they feel.

13. You feel like your mood or emotions change when certain people enter a room.

14. You've walked into a room and felt the energy was different, without knowing why (for example, walking into the office and being hit with the sensation of tension or anger—I used to be able to walk in the front door of the office and know whether my boss was in a good or a bad mood without seeing him).

15. You sometimes get overwhelmed when there are a lot of people around, but can't figure out why you feel overwhelmed (there's nothing outwardly unpleasant going on).

16. You sometimes feel like your emotions change on dime, but you don't know why.

17. People come to you as their 'energy source,' because you brighten their day or have other impacts on their emotions.

18. People seem drawn to you and need their 'fix' of you to feel better. Often, animals and children will be very drawn to you as well.

19. You prefer to be near water, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed.

20. You need to have time in nature to feel balanced.

21. You've had people ask you why you are 'such a bleeding heart,' or make fun of you for feeling so deeply (I cannot tell you how often this has happened to me!).

22. You care for others more than you care for yourself and feel like you 'have to' take care of people, even when you know you are burning yourself out.

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23. You have a hard time taking care of yourself because you are too busy taking care of others.

24. You feel—or know—that plants and animals have a soul/awareness, and feel their pain and sadness.

25. You've had times in your life when you went through such a traumatic event that you were totally numb.

Did you recognize yourself in many statements?

Score of 0 - 25:

You have some Empath traits, but wouldn't be considered a true Empath. It's important to make sure that you still take care of yourself and don't let yourself get overwhelmed, but it's likely you are pretty balanced between helping others and setting good boundaries.

Score of 25 - 50:

This score on the Empath Test shows that you are definitely an Empath. You sense things in a way that's different from the average person. You aren't just relating to someone's feelings, you are sensing them as your own. You likely get exhausted sometimes and wonder why, without realizing you are giving out too much positive energy and taking in too much negative energy from around you. While you are fairly balanced if you are in this range, there's no doubt you'd benefit from tools and resources to help you to use your EFP (extra-feeling perception) to be a benefit to yourself and the world. Please consider joining the Empath Institute (below) to learn how to turn your empathic senses off and on in order to be healthy and happy yourself.

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Score of 50 - 75:

You are an 'extreme Empath,' as I would call it. You have the ability to soak in others' emotions without consciously knowing you are doing so. You sense the 'vibe' of a room or place without visual clues (such as tears, yelling, or slamming of doors).

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More importantly, if you are scoring this high on the Empath Test, then you are extremely open to the pain and suffering of the world, and you likely get overwhelmed by trying to do too much or help too many people at once. If you don't get some tools and resources to help you, these extreme Empath traits can cause you to get very sick (chronic fatigue is extremely common among Empaths who score like this and don't have the tools to take care of themselves). Please consider joining the Empath Institute (below) to learn how to turn your empathic senses off and on in order to be healthy and happy yourself.

So, You're an Empath...What now?

Since you soak in the emotions and pain of every living thing around you (consciously and unconsciously), it's critical for you to get the tools to use these gifts in a healthy and balanced way. If you don't, you risk being worn out to the point of being totally burned out, sick with things you can't explain, and drained of all energy. A worn-out Empath is not a pretty sight.

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However, an Empowered Empath is fantastic, because you know how to use your 'extra-feeling perception' (EFP) to it's fullest ability, healing people around you AND using that wonderful energy to create a fantastic life for yourself as well.

If the empath test helped you to now recognize that you're an Empath, I'd love to help you to become healthy and balanced so you can use your gifts to heal yourself and the world. The Empath Institute is closed for new members, but will be reopening January 1! Sign up below to gain access as soon as its open!

My Promise to You: Please know that I cannot stand spam and will never, ever rent, sell, or share your email with anyone. I will only contact you about the launch of the Empath Institute and things that can enhance your life and increase your empathic abilities in a positive way.

I hope this empath test was super helpful to you!